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A construction site scene where three workers are engaged in mixing and preparing construction materials. One worker is operating a cement mixer while another holds a bucket, ready to pour its contents. The third person is carrying a large bowl on their head, filled with mixed cement or soil. They are surrounded by tools and machinery, and dressed in traditional work attire with head coverings.
A construction site scene where three workers are engaged in mixing and preparing construction materials. One worker is operating a cement mixer while another holds a bucket, ready to pour its contents. The third person is carrying a large bowl on their head, filled with mixed cement or soil. They are surrounded by tools and machinery, and dressed in traditional work attire with head coverings.

Nossas Localizações

A Mix Concreto Usinado possui 270 unidades em 6 países, garantindo presença forte e capacidade de produção de 12 milhões de metros cúbicos.


Brasil, Argentina, Bolívia, Peru, Colômbia e Estados Unidos.


Segunda a Sexta das 9 as 18 hrs.